How to use twitter for brands and businesses

With countless users and more than 500 million tweets being sent every day, there is an extraordinary chance for organizations to reach a worldwide audience of new and existing customers through Twitter.

Twitter is a social communication tool where individuals post short messages. These messages, called tweets, are restricted to 140 characters long. As a Twitter user, you select which others you wish to follow; when you follow somebody, their tweets appear on your Twitter stream.


Any individual who decides to follow you will see your tweets in their stream. It isn’t important to follow each and every individual who follows you, and not every person you decide to follow will follow you back.



Discussions on Twitter are much the same as the face to face interactions you have with clients every day. Compelling content will attract new followers and keep them drew in over the long haul, building attention to your image and championing yourself or your image as an expert in the business or specialty zone.


Marketing Points to Note

On the off chance that you need genuine achievement and need to assemble your brand on Twitter, at that point you ought to consistently remember the accompanying focuses −


+ Utilize your image name as your Twitter name. It might appear glaringly evident, yet it should be said!

+ In the event that marking an organization is your main need, utilize your logo as your Twitter picture.

+ You should tweet 10 to 20 times each day to keep your image name in the Twitter stream.

+ Schedule the tweets that have valuable content and supplement that with 10 or so personalized tweets where you are collaborating with other      Twitter users.

+ Answer to Everything! Yes, everything.


  • Figure out how to give. To construct a solid brand on Twitter you should offer back as much as you get. Share content from your followers/following, retweet, and favourite relevant content.


  • Follow at least two new individuals daily. Follow back any individual who followed you. This is the best method to keep followers! Click on “Followers” and follow anybody in your stream that you are not connected with.


  • One of the greatest mix-up individuals make on Twitter isn’t utilizing applicable hashtags. You might need to make your very own hashtag to document your tweets however use hashtags that are trending when posting, so that your content gets seen.


Tweet questions or a source of inspiration when you post. Individuals are bound to react when they’re asked something.


  • Make sure you ask relevant or even create polls every now and then to boost your twitter engagement as a starter.


Good luck on your twitter marketing journey!

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